Wekeza: Sua, Fa Sika To Mu na Mpɔtam Hɔ
Wekeza Brokerage Aguadi Ho Akwankyerɛ:
$1.00/ɔsram (USD) wɔ aguadi biara mu
$1.00 Nea ɛka ho ne aguadi a wɔde ma US Stocks & ETFs, kasa ahorow pii sikasɛm ho adesua, ne mpɔtam hɔ mmoa.
Interactive, Child-Centered Youth Financial Education Services:
$99.00 one-time fee – self-guided course – ages 7 – 18
$199: live, virtual instruction. See website for schedules and details.
Curriculum licensing: For details and pricing: email info@wekeza.com
Kyerɛw wo din mprempren na woanya kwan akɔ aguadi mu ntɛm!
Hyɛ no nsow: Ebia nea ɔde sika ma wo no benya sika a wɔde tua ho ka a ɛsono emu biara.